While perusing Radiohead's website yesterday (after finally ordering their new album "In Rainbows" subsequent to checking out each track on Rollingstone.com) - I happened on what is most certainly the coolest website/game/widget/toy I've seen in a coon's age - Line Rider.
As you can see from the embedded video, it's a site where users create a world/track for "Bosh" to slide and fly through on his little sled, with his little red scarf. Created by a Slovenian student and released waaay back in 2006 (decades in internet time), Line Rider is, as David Pogue, Time Magazine and Yahoo have said, highly addictive and fun. You can lose hours of time creating tracks for Bosh to slide down.
But it's not as easy as it seems. Using real-world physics, Line Rider will slam, flip, impale, decapitate or just drop poor little Bosh if you don't give him the right ramps and landings for his sled.
The Movies section of the website features more (and even more amazing) examples of worlds other users have created. Check it out... if you have some time to waste.
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